1º Telma Alarcón Picazo 6º San Juan Bautista
My favorite season of the year is spring. I like it for a lot of things, but I am going to tell you only some of the reasons. I think the first one is that spring is the most beautiful season of all because of the colors of the flowers and the meadows; the sound of birds chirping, and so on... It is also the season for nativity, the flowers, other plants, animals, even humans, lots of them are born in spring (although the month with the most births of the year, for humans, is September). I also like it because of the weather. Although it can rain more than in other seasons, most of the time the weather is very calm and good and the weather is warm or chilly. The weather isn’t scorching as it can be in summer, or freezing like in Winter, it’s in between the two of them. The good weather keeps me happy so in the spring I feel very happy and positive. In the evenings or weekends in the spring I like to go with my family and friends to the countryside or go for a walk. When it’s raining, I like to stay home and watch a movie or read a book. All the seasons are great because they have their special things that people can love, but this is my favorite one.
By Telma Alarcón Picazo
from Spain
2º Aida Hortas Ventura 6º Santa María del Mar
My favorite season is spring. I love it because my birthday is in that season and it is not too cold or too hot, so the temperature is medium. Usually, at the end of spring, I go to the beach because it starts to be hot. During this season, I practice many sports like tennis or golf. I also like winter, but I like it less than spring. I am a big fan of this season because is very cold and I like so much lower temperatures. Also, in this season, I practice some sports that in other seasons, I cannot practice because there is not snow, like ski, and I can enjoy throwing me and my sister on a sleigh. I only hate one season: ¡ summer! Because it is very sunny and hot and I hate the sun and the high temperatures. Another bad thing about this season is that there are always lots of mosquitoes. There are only two things that I think that are good about this season: the first is that we don’t have school for a long time, around three months of holidays, and the second good thing is that I can eat lots of ice-creams, especially the cream ice-cream.
By Aida Hortas Ventura
from Spain
1º Genoveva Rodríguez Vázquez 6to Santa María del Mar
I have two favorite subjects at school and these are: Science and Maths. In my opinion, both subjects are essential for the profession that I want to learn. The first subject that I like is Maths. Calculation, in particular, is the branch of Maths that I like the most. The only content that I don’t like is Geometry. I think it is boring and I do not need to learn this for the professions I like. In Maths class we usually make some exercises and then we correct them. My teacher of Maths is named Ana Fraga. Many boys and girls who are the same age as me, do not have any idea about what they want to be when they grow up, but I know that I am going to be a doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is that l like healing sick people and see them happy. I think it is incredible to save a life. Now, we are living a very difficult situation, and I think that doctors are essential in the world. I do not want to be a medical surgeon, but my goal is to be a pediatrician and help children. Therefore, I think it is necessary to study Science and Biology too. In Science class we usually read a text or do a project. I have two teachers, Mathew Ward, who is from Ireland and José López who is from Spain.
By Genoveva Rodríguez Vázquez
from Spain
2º Inés González Mella 6to Santa María del Mar
My favorite subject in my school is not just one, there are three. They are Maths, English, and Science. I choose these subjects because in Maths, I like calculation. In fact, I like everything on this subject, except geometry. In these classes we usually do exercises. In English, I like the language. In this subject we usually do exercises and ask questions and answer them. In Science I love everything, because when I grow up, I want to be a Vet to help all the animals in need. Finally, in these classes, we do exercises and learn new things, like electricity, the human body, and so much more. It is so cool! In Science I have two teachers, Mathew Ward, who uses English as his native language, and José López. In English I also have two teachers, who are Drue Morris and Luís José González. On the other hand, in Maths, I have only one teacher, that is Ana Fraga, the counselor of the class 6°D, (that is where I am in). I like all of these subjects because I love learning other things that I don’t know, or even learn other languages for example, English, French, or Italian. I have more favorites subjects but these three are the best. Another subject that is so good too is Music. In this class we learn a little slowly, compared to other ones. I love music because I play the cello in the Conservatory of A Coruña. I'm even trying to compose a song in English!
By Inés González Mella
from Spain
3º Sara Rey Armas 6to Santa María del Mar
I have lots of subjects in school, but I prefer one more than others. My favorite subjects are English and P.E. I have fun learning any language. I think that it entertains you, because it allows you to talk with people from any country if you want. My favorite language is English because I enjoy speaking this language. Also, I think that it is nice and formal. I like speaking English with my teachers, but I prefer speaking it with native speakers. In my school, my English teacher is called Luis. He is funny, hard-working and strict. In his class, we usually do a lot of activities and games. Among other things, we do some activities of the book, we learn English vocabulary with different apps, we make oral expositions, and sometimes, we play games in groups to practice the vocabulary, and that’s why I love this subject. My other favorite subject is P.E. We do lots of sports like basketball, athletics... It’s so fun! I love playing sports! In each evaluation we do three themes. For example, in the first evaluation, for the first theme, we did athletics. We did some different techniques of this sport. Then, for the second theme, we did a dance with a song that we choose. It was so funny and entertaining! And finally, for the third theme, we play different games like for example, hide-and-seek. In summary, I like P.E because it has lots of sports and games that you can do. It is a diverse subject!
By Sara Rey Armas
from Spain
1º Julia Tirenti Rodriguez-Zavalegui 4th, CEU San Pablo Sanchinarro
If I could be a superhero I would be Elastic Girl (from The Incredibles) because I think I am very elastic. My dream is to be an Olympic gymnast. At Gymnastics we do a lot of stretching and because of these exercises, I become elastic. This is why, if I could be a superhero, I would be Elastic Girl. I could also be an invented superhero. My superpower would be extra friendship and imagination. I love imagining stories, it helps me relax and forget about bad things. Friendship is also important, I have a lot of friends that help me and console me a lot. If you are unfriendly you will feel alone and bored because you will have no friends, which is horrible. I have seen a movie about kids that are superheroes in which you can choose your superhero. I recommend it, it’s called: We can be heroes.
By Julia Tirenti Rodriguez-Zavalegui
from Spain
1º Javier Aparicio Rodriguez 5C, Andel
My purpose for the new year 2021 is to have more patience, be kinder to everyone and to be able to help people. I also have proposed to get better grades, to pay more attention in class and to do my homework with more enthusiasm and concentration. Although I don't like sports very much, this year I have decided to join a sport activity such as swimming or tennis, which are the ones that I like the most, and that last year I cannot practice them due to the pandemic. This year I also want to read more adventure or science fiction books. I have also decided to collaborate more at home and help my parents with household chores such as cleaning the dust, setting the table, hanging clothes or vacuuming. I also propose to go out into the countryside more with my family and take care of the environment! I would like to plant a tree on my grandmother's land and water it in summer. I would like it to be a fruit tree, like an apple tree or a cherry tree. I also want to go on excursions and be able to visit other cities because this year we have not been able to travel due to Covid-19. I hope I have the willpower to be able to fulfill all the resolutions that I have proposed for this new year 2021.
By Javier Aparicio Rodriguez
from Spain
2º Temla Alarcón Picazo 6º, San Juan Bautista
I don’t usually have my resolutions written down on paper or something like that, but I like to have it so I know my goals for the year that is coming, because if not, I would surely forget it even if I did them. I would not remember that I had them as a New Year's resolutions, so in this way, I hope that I can get to remember them even if they are not very complex or difficult to do, because I am sure that in the long term I will forget. I'm telling my resolutions, and they are eating healthier, improving the skills that I have and learning new ones, spending less time with electronics devices and more with my family and friends. I want to eat healthier because I know that is good for me. I think that it is not so difficult, but it is hard to start doing it. The skills that I want to improve are a lot, like drawing and painting. I also want to improve in sports, programming and learning languages (English and French), and other things. I think that if you focus on the purposes and you know how to do them, you can do it. I know that a lot of people have similar goals, and these are the most usual resolutions, the most common: to do more sports, stop smoking, call the family more frequently, travel more, save more money, find a partner, have children, get a job or to be a better person. I will try to ensure that the resolutions are present in 2021 as much as possible and I will take this year the best that I can.
By Temla Alarcón Picazo
from Spain
3º Jose Antonio Birlanga Navarro 5ºC Andel
Hello, my name is Jose Antonio and I am ten years old. My New Year's resolution are:
By Jose Antonio Birlanga Navarro
from Spain
1º Carolina García Vázquez 3º ESO Santa María del Mar (Jesuitas)
I have many favourite desserts, some of which include biscuits, cake, yoghurt and fuit, although my favourite of the bunch are definitely macarons. I absolutely adore them and I have a marvelous time cooking them! It's a difficult recipe and it's really easy not to get it right, so if I have a lot of free time during a specific day I'll be working all morning on the dessert. Then I'll let it sit for 3 hours and then I put it in the oven. Although it may be hard work, I still think that the final result is worth it. But I usually have fruit or yoghurt because they are healthier than eating a doughnut every day. My favourite fruits are apples and oranges because they are sweet and a very nice snack. I also love preparing fruits with yoghurt and cereal to eat in the morning because it gives me the energy I need for the day so I can study. I do this by first mixing the yoghurt with cereal and then adding fruit that I had cut before. Most of the foods I use for this are apples, nectarines and pomegranates. In conclusion, although sweet desserts are absolutely delightful, sometimes healthier desserts can be better and can do better to your health, and if you prepare them by yourself, you can have an amazing time while you do productive stuff. I love cooking desserts because it is a great distraction and can help you wander off any concerns that you may have.
By Carolina García Vázquez
from Spain
2º Andrés Mata Medina 5º Primaria Andel
My favorite dessert is the brownie, because it is made of chocolate and I love chocolate! but it has to be very, very cloying. The main ingredients are eggs, flour, dark chocolate, butter and nuts. Actually, I think I like it because the brownie and I are very similar: we are both sweet, we are better than bread, people love us both, and we are chubby. Very few people know that this dessert was originated from a mistake made by an American cook who forgot to put yeast in the cake, but it is one of the best mistakes in history because it is the best dessert in the world. From Alcorcón we applaud that inexperienced cook and his wonderful mistake! Some brownies have nuts, which they say are great for the brain, so when I eat them I feel smarter than before. There are many ways to eat it, but the one I like the most is when I put a large scoop of vanilla ice cream covered in syrup on top, it's just awesome. When you eat it you feel great happiness, your eyes open and you make a silly face, and although I sometimes stain myself (actually I stain myself almost always), I don't care if my mother scolds me, it's worth it. When a friend of mine tells me that he prefers an apple pie, I say: “but what you are saying, man, that's like comparing a Ferrari to a delivery van!” Do not hesitate! do what I do and join the super club of brownie with ice cream and syrup, you will not regret it!
By Andrés Mata Medina
from Spain
3º Telma Alarcón Picazo 6º San Juan Bautista
I don’t really have a favourite dessert, I love lots of desserts, but my favourite are grapes, chocolate custard with a cookie on top and cheesecake. They are all delicious, but the grapes are healthier than the others so I eat them more often. On Christmas I like to eat dark or milk chocolate bonbons and Roscón de Reyes, and I like the ones that my family and I make at home much more because they have a wonderful taste. I also like to make biscuits, we usually make it with lemon or natural yogurt, and sometimes we make it with full chocolate or only with chocolate chips because my brother likes it more. We do it more in winter or Christmas time because I like to have hot chocolate with the cake and watch a movie. This year when we couldn't go out, we made a lot of desserts, I even tried making cookies! They were very tasty. I don't have a sweet tooth. I don't like a lot of sweets or very sweet things, but from time to time, when I go to town with my cousins, I eat some sweets, but only some that I know I like, although sometimes I try some new ones that they tell me that are good. I like cheesecake more in summer because I like it cooler, and also chocolate custard with biscuit on top. I eat it often than others, but not as much as grapes or other fruits, and it has also given me time to learn how to make some of my favorite desserts!
By Telma Alarcón Picazo
from Spain
1º Arturo Vecino López 6º La Sagrada Familia
I will celebrate Carnival in my school wearing a cowboy mask and a big, black hat. My classmates will dress up as robbers who will steal the two fastest horses in town. Then another cowboy will enter the shop, and rob the shop while my partner is sleeping. There is a man robbing a shop and another stealing two horses, and my partner is sleeping and dreaming.
By Arturo Vecino López
from Spain
1º Javier Malla
I celebrate Christmas and decorate the Christmas tree. On the 25th of December, it's Christmas Eve. I have dinner with my family. My favourite holiday is on the 6th of January, because that's when the wise men come and bring us presents. I like love these holidays. They are spectacular.
By Javier Malla
from Spain
1º Irene Paños Rodríguez 6º La Inmaculada (Alcorcón)
What is the best part about your city?
The best part about my city is that we have all we need,there is a lot of things where we can have fun.I think the best thing is WARNER PARK,I love it except the row because you have to wait for attractions it is eternal.
What would you change?
I would change: apart of the row to wait, the people to look after the environment it is very important, it is really serious, the future of the world depend on us.
What's the best season the visit your city? Why?
Depend the season do you prefer,but I think summer is really good,on holydays without school, all people is getting fun. It is my best season excepting for the bees.
By Irene Paños
from Spain
1º Paula Borrega (La Inmaculada) 6º Primaria
Why do you like Carnival?
I like Carnival,because people wear costumes and some
costumes are very funny.Also,because Carnival´s parades are beautiful.And you
can see many types of costumes,some of them are very original. Other costumes
are beautiful,funny and crazy.
Which would be your perfect costume and why?
My perfect costume would be a mad hatter´s
costume.Because I like his crazy stile,his hat...I also like his orange
hair,his make up and his clothes.He is very crazy and funny, so it´s the
perfect costume for me to wear.
Are you going to do something special at Carnival in your school?
I don´t think we are going to do anything special at
Carnival in our school.But all years in English class we do some activities and
games that are very funny.One year our teacher told us a Carnival story very
By Paula Borrega
from Spain
2º Candela Sanz (Colegio Joaquin Costa) 6º
Why do you like Carnival?
I like Carnival because I think it is a very good idea to spend the time with your family and friends,also to have the opportunity to dressing your costume,going to a very funny party and meeting interesting people in different zones.
Which would be your perfect costume and why?
I think my perfect costume would be a superheroe one because I am an adventurous person and I would like to fight the crime and to meet other interesting superheroes,also I would like to fly and to have superpowers. The best superpower would be an invisible one or to be able to fly.
Are you going to do something special at Carnival in your school?
I don´t know but I would like to celebrate in the playground drinking lemonade and eating shortbread with my friends and teachers.In my old school I celebrated in the playground with lemonade and dancing with happy and funny music.
By Candela Sanz
from Spain
3º Marta Gost (Colegio Arcangel Rafael) 6º
Why do you like Carnival?
I like Carnival because I think that when we dress up we show who we really are. I also like Carnival because it's funny to party with your friends and family all together. And also it's funny to dance, play dump...
Which would be your perfect costume and why?
My perfect costume would be dress up like Marinette because she is a little clumsy and funny, she is also very honest with her BFF, Alya, and when she transforms into Ladybug, she's not that clumsy and she feels self-confident.
Are you going to do something special at Carnival in your school?
Yes, we are going to dress up like Mexicans because I'm in 6th grade. Each grade is going to wear like other countries and instead of buying the costumes, we are going to make it ourselves. In my opinion, it's cooler to make the costumes because you can also have fun making them.
By Marta Gost
from Spain
Adriana Moreno, N.R.S. de la Providencia
New year's day
On new year's eve day everyone is happy and is reunited
with the family for dinner all together. Every year prepare a lot of sweets and
food delicious, later the grapes are eaten and it provides for a new and better
By Adriana Moreno
from Spain
Gema Álvarez Sevilla, Santo Ángel
New year's day
After studying a lot in the first term, we finally can enjoy Christmas. We change exams by free time, we change extraescolares classes by funny activities with our families... In Christmas magic is around. Streets are full of lights and colors, people are happier, everybody is more generous. Children get a lot of toys and adults have free time to enjoy with the people they love. Santa visits our houses and the three wise men bring us our favourite book. Snow covers our roofs and although it is cold outside , everybody feels the heat of the people who love you. I love Christmas!!!!
By Gema Álvarez
from Spain