To access the platform, visit the website at, press the “Get Started” button at the upper right-hand corner. Type in the username and password you received beforehand from your teacher.
In the students’ area you’ll find the “Inbox” section, where you can see all the messages sent by your teacher.
If you’re a student, and you’ve either lost or forgotten your password, contact your teacher so he or she can send you a new one.
As a student, you can only see the podcasts that your teacher has given you access to.
As a student, you can only see the videos and grammar exercises that your teacher has given you access to.
Everything on the Smile Platform is in English, so if you’re seeing it in Spanish, your browser probably has the automated translation function activated.
Go to the area called “Take Part!” on the Smile Platform. Then click the “Smile Writing” option to send your request to participate in the monthly writing contests.
To send videos you have to contact the Smile Bilingual Project team first.
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